March Podcast Recap

1st Episode : Taking Time To Understand Your Loved One

The first podcast of March released yesterday as the kick off of March’s theme: Small and Simple Things To Strengthen Family Bonds.

Since the couple’s relationship is the foundation, this episode is all about showing our Warrior we cherish them by taking the time to understand them. I share 3 things I’ve learned from my own weakness in this skill so we can all try to be a little better and strengthen the relationship that matters most: the Waiting Warrior and Warrior!
I’d LOVE to hear how you show your Warrior you love them while you are communicating!

You can listen to this episode through iTunes, Youtube, and Stitcher

2nd Episode : Facing Tragedy with Patience and Strength with Zanna Wolfgang

“Stuff is going to happen: good stuff, bad stuff, awful stuff …but how we respond to it is where our power is.” -Zanna Wolfgang @HonorTheBrave 

Tragedies happen to our loved ones, but we can’t always fix it.

Listen on the podcast to Zanna share her touching story of helping her husband, their marriage, and family get through their tragedy and how they turned a dark chapter of life into a bright service oriented business.

What dark chapters have you been able to turn bright? Or are you still needing light to come?

You can listen to Zanna’s episode through iTunes, Youtube, and Stitcher

3rd Episode: Seeing Through Our Children’s Eyes with Chandelle Walker

“We’re thinking that they’re not noticing or not seeing or not feeling cause Daddy hasn’t left yet. Well guess what, they’re already starting to feel tension or they’re feeling what we’re feeling or they’re unsure…They are seeing the suitcases and the extra gear, they’re noticing things, but we’re so busy and we’re caught up in it…but they are noticing, they are seeing, they are recognizing a change – a shift – is happening.” -Chandelle Walker @kidsbooksbychandelle

I’ve been searching for years for every book and tool to help my girls with long separations and deployments, but I’ve never found one that has helped them so much. Daddy Left With Mr Army doesn’t talk to the kids, like most books do, but it’s from the child’s view! It’s not only helped give my my girls words to help express what they are feeling while we prepare for Daddy to leave, but it’s helped Austin and I be aware of how much they are seeing and sensing! 

Check out Chandelles episode on iTunes, Youtube, and Stitcher

Find Chandelles book on Amazon

4th Episode: The Unconventional Solution with Becky Hoy

“I know that if I can focus on having time in my schedule for key habits that set me up for success then I’m going to be able to handle those moments of stress even more effectively.” -Becky Hoy @BraveCrate

What a Joy is Becky Hoy! This episode is filled with lots of laughs but also solid, unconventional guidance on how to be honest with yourself on what will actually help you thrive as a Waiting Warrior.

Listen to this episode on iTunes, Youtube, and Stitcher

This month’s episodes are sponsored by Brave Crate, a monthly deployment box curated just for the Waiting Warrior. Check them out @bravecrate or

3 Ways To Set Up Your Relationship For A Successful Deployment/TDY/Training

3 Ways To Set Your Military Marriage Up For A Successful Deployment, TDY, or Training
Michelle Bowler- military spouse - creator of the Bulletproof Your Reintegration Course

Author - Michelle Bowler

 Army wife of 11+ years, mom for 4 girls and a boy in heaven, and hardcore believer that it’s possible to have a thriving marriage, family, and military life.